Simbahan rasa ini ku hadiahkan dalam wajah seindah pelangi :))

Monday, October 24, 2011

You know that feeling

When u look at him and think . wow i love him .
But we`re just  friend . or maybe when he looks at her it hurt so much sometimes .
Whenyour in love with him and he` s in love with her . you love everything about him and he love everything about her . you wasted all your 11 : 11 wished on him . you kept it in for so long .
no on knowns how confused you . Do you tell him you like him ??
or do you keep it in , as usual . IT`S CONFUSING ~

Or it`s complicated " is your answer when someone ask u whats wrong . when you look at them together your eyes fill up with tears . because you love him . you love him so much . and sometimes you just wish he knew <3

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